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Rise like a Mama Bear

Writer: Tanya WasylewskiTanya Wasylewski

New Moon in Cancer, July 2020

Everyone is tired and a little bit gross.

And rightly so. It’s been a big year with life upping the ante with every turn, and well … it’s getting a little tiring.

The recent eclipse season, coupled with both a Venus and Mercury retrograde, a Solstice, Mars entering Aries, Pluto and Jupiter plotting together and Saturn retrograding back into Capricorn stirred up a lot. But now it’s time to take a breather. For a little bit.

This is the first New Moon in Cancer in two years which hasn’t been an eclipse. The Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle is done. Finito. Whatever part of your chart that the eclipses were activating you will find the hard work done, the path cleared and you can begin to move forward. (The fun will begin in the Gemini/Sagittarius part of your chart, but that’s a story for another time.)

New Moons are introspective times. The sky is dark and we can’t see the way forward. It is a natural time to go within and rest, which is even more significant with this New Moon in Cancer.

Cancer is the sign of home, family, foundations, traditions. It’s the nurturer, the connection to our inner world. It is symbolised by the crab who carries its home on its back, retreating into its shell for safety and rest.

Through Cancer we find our identity through family—either family of origin or the family we choose for ourselves. We ground ourselves in tradition and want to protect those we love. Often regarded as a ‘soft’ sign, Cancer can be ferocious when needed—think Diana, Keeper of the Hearth or the Mama Bear who will rise up to protect her young from danger.

But sometimes traditions need to change. We can take the best of them and reform them into something which suits who we are. It’s not about neglecting the past, but about learning from it and creating something even better. And right now we are at a stage where the old is outdated and we have to create some new foundations.

Right now our family is extended across our neighbourhoods, cities and countries. We must protect each other from harm by respecting the rules in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. We must roar like a Mama Bear when we see injustice and we must collectively create new foundations for the way forward. By all means, take the best of the traditions of the past, but leave behind what no longer works for a modern society.

Saturn is opposite this New Moon, reminding us that this will take work and we must get it right. It’s demanding commitment and focus.

The thing with Saturn is that you can’t escape its lessons: if you don’t get it the first time around it will come back in a bigger way to make sure you get it right.

Start by drawing a circle on a piece of paper and write down words, phrases and ideas about the life you want to live—the life that nurtures you, fulfills you, cracks open your heart in ways you never thought possible. This is you. Then draw a larger circle around that and write down the type of world you want to live in. These two circles represent you in the world, and it’s up to you to take the steps toward becoming the person you want to be in the world you want to live in. (If you’re unsure how to begin working toward your goals, book in for a session with me and I can help you.)

On July 23, a few days after the New Moon, we begin Leo season. Leo is warm, open-hearted and generous and the Lion will help bring some fire, playfulness and creativity to us all. Allow yourself to be childlike (not childish—there’s a difference) in your approach to things.

Mercury and Venus will also leave their post-retrograde shadows on July 27 and 29 respectively, meaning that we will have more clarity and motivation to move forward with the lessons we learnt, the decisions we made and have more clarity around the events that happened when both planets were in retrograde.

But above all, take care of yourself. Be guided by your feelings and intuition. Be aware of your own needs. Rest when you need to, ask for help when you need it. We are all in this together and need to nurture ourselves and others as best we can.

The exact time of the New Moon is:

AEST: Tuesday 21 July @ 3.32am

United Kingdom: Monday 20 July @ 6.32pm

US Eastern: Monday 20 July @ 1.32pm

US Pacific: Monday 20 July @ 10.32am

Click here to find your timezone


Learn how to tap into your intuition with Soul Star Sundays online ‘Are you Intuit?’ workshop hosted by Jessica Reid on Sunday July 19. Find out more here.

I’ll also be available for one-on-one 20min astrology readings as part of the Soul Star Sundays Healers Hub. Book a session and learn how this New Moon will play out in your own chart (bookings available on the day until sold out).


Would you love an overview of your important themes for the next 12 months, with guidance on how to make the most of them? Book in for an Astrology + Coaching session. Find out more here.



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I acknowledge the Wurundjeri, Boonwurrung, Taungurong, Dja Dja Wurrung and the Wathaurung people who make up the Kulin Nation, the traditional owners of Melbourne and surrounds where I live and work. I pay my respects to elders past and present across Australia whose sovereignty has never been ceded.

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